Oregon Coast Gender Reveal | Bend Oregon Family Photographer

couple standing back to back holding hands at an Oregon coast foggy beach

This foggy Oregon Coast Maternity session was filled with fun and romance from start to finish. Craig and Linzy have been together 10 years, I actually met them while they were dating as Linzy and I were neighbors in college. Craig was cousin's with one of Linzy's roommates, and he would come over regularly to "see his cousin" til Linzy figured out he had a crush on her. Nine months later, Craig flew to PA to visit Linzy and her family.

couple walking hand in hand along Cannon Beach
expecting mother holding her belly walking on the beach
expecting parents going in for a kiss at Cannon Beach

They took the train to NYC and while talking about their future plans in Central Park, Craig got down on one knee. A decade later, these two have a tiny army of adorable dark headed girls and another baby on the way. Though Linzy was only 12 weeks here, they wanted to capture their first and last gender reveal. You'll want to stick around to see those pictures. Also are you wondering where the fountain of youth is that they're drinking from? Me too. They just age like fine wine.

couple dancing along the Oregon Coast
couple running into the ocean at Cannon Beach
couple kissing at Cannon Beach
expecting mother holding her belly looking over her shoulder

The Oregon Coast has always been a regular spot for them to go to as Craig grew up going there every year to visit family who lives near the area. Now they continue the tradition with their girls to get a break from the Fresno heat and enjoy some free babysitting around holidays and summer months. Cannon Beach is a favorite spot to visit when they come.

couple snuggling on Cannon Beach
guy holding girl  running in the ocean
couple sitting in the sand holding baby belly

When we met In November to do these we expected it to be cold but did not expect the amount of fog that we got. The fog really made the session feel so intimate even though the beach was wasn't empty. Encouraging my couples to "get out of their head" and focus on your partner really helps the walls break down quickly. Before you know it, you're comfortable frolicking on the beach, dancing in the water and snuggling in the sand. Linzy's sheer, dainty polka dot dress paired with Craig's dark shirt were the perfect combo to stand out against the fog. Enjoy!

pink smoke bomb gender reveal on foggy beach
smoke bomb gender reveal on Canon Beach
couple holding smoke bomb announcing baby girl
smoke bomb baby girl gender reveal on the beach
couple holding pink smoke bomb pink smoke bomb at oregon coast
couple kissing while holding smoke bomb at the beach

Wanting maternity pictures or a gender reveal captured? Let’s do it!