Bailey Makaimoku Photography | Salt Lake Family Photographer

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Layton Baptism Session- Layton Utah Photographer

My sweet girl is getting baptized this weekend and in honor of that we went and took some pictures of her in her beautiful baptism dress (which was my own baptism dress) in front of the new Layton, Utah temple. The Layton temple grounds are so beautiful and were the perfect spot to do these. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we get baptized at 8 years old. Auden turned 8 in early September and we were so grateful to have so much family and friends be able to join us in celebrating her on this special occasion.

I wanted a way to be able to remember this special day, since I don’t actually have any pictures from the actual day cause I was running around like a chicken with his head cut off lol so I am also grateful to have these to remember the day.

Some things I want to remember about Auden at this age is how she makes friends anywhere she goes, she has a zest for life that is contagious, she loves school, church and has the cutest smile right now. It reminds me of how my teeth looked after I lost my baby teeth as a kid. Auden is beautiful, she has striking features and I hope she never forgets how beautiful she is on the inside and out. I love her so much and can’t believe it’s been 8 years since I started this whole motherhood journey.

If you’ve got a soon to be 8 year old and you’d like to do some baptism pictures for them please reach out!