Memory Grove Park Family Session- Salt Lake Family Photographer

The Pierce Family was a joy to work with. They were so close knit and so easy going. With bigger families it is important to get the full group and then all the combinations you can with the time you have. Likely they are not all together often and those will be invaluable to them. SO make sure you get grandkids with their grandparents, adult siblings, cousins, and variations like that. We had to make a mid day session work which is always a challenge but I think we still got some great shots. Just know if you cannot make a sunset session work, the best solution is a location that will provide shade for you, otherwise the sun will be right in your eyes and not make for great pictures and lighting.

I loved the mix of patterns, spring colors and textures this family incorporated into their outfits. It made the large group look coordinated together and worked well against all the greenery. And who says adult sibling photos have to be stiff and boring. These siblings had so much fun together.

If you have a family vacation planned to Utah (Salt Lake or Northern Utah) its always a good Idea to get family pictures done! Please reach out if you have family coming into town or a Utah family vacation planned!