Summer Photo Challenge- Bend Family Photographer
I’ve never regretted the number of pictures I’ve taken of my kids, even when I get the “iphone storage full” notification (eye roll emoji), it helps me remember the big and the small parts of their lives. Now just imagine at the end of summer 2021 you had dozens of pictures of your kids and all you did. I am not a very creative mom when it comes to activities and crafts. SO if you’re like me, summer can feel daunting thinking of the extra time you have to fill now with your kids.
This summer I’d love to encourage more moms out there to document these days and document themselves in it. It’s your life and your summer, whether it is jammed packed with plans and trips or slow days ahead and more opportunities for intentional time this works for any family. I’m not saying you have to be a professional photographer and do these on a fancy camera, unless you are and you want to. You can use your phone to document your summer and it will feel as equally meaningful to you as it would on a fancy camera.
SO here’s 50 ideas to document of your kids this summer! If you don’t like one of these or they don’t work for your family, then skip it! I’d loved to be tagged in any #summerphotochallenge pictures you take and post!
-Kids snuggled up in jammies being summertime lazy
-Pool time fun in swimsuits
-Laying in the grass
-Blowing bubbles
-Eating a popsicle or ice cream cone outside, let it melt in their hands!
- If you have a garden, helping you see what’s blooming
-The trunk of your car packed for a trip (or coming home!)
-Running through sprinklers
- A selfie or self-timer photo of you with your kids
-your kids sleeping in their bed
-pile of shoes by the door
-farmer’s market finds
-a favorite treat from a local spot
-a somersault or cartwheel
-picnic lunch or dinner at the park
-swinging on the swings
-summer camp drop off or pick up
-kids coloring
-baking something
-time with a grandparent
-posing with some summer accessories or your kids summer favorites: sunglasses, sandals, hat, etc.
-before/after haircuts
-exploring your “downtown” area
-playing at the park
-rolling/ or running down a hill
-a lemonade or cookie stand
-playing a game together
-kids sharing a big drink with tons of straws in it
-reading library books
-splash pad fun
-a family hike
-riding a bike or scooter
-child blowing a dandelion
-their sidewalk chalk drawings
-their dirty feet
-eating watermelon, the juicier the better
- jumping in puddles or playing in the rain during a summer rainstorm
-water balloon fight, maybe put some war paint on them
-holding a bug
-making smores
-asleep in the back seat after a long day of fun
-new freckles brought by summer sunshine
-washing the car in the driveway
-playing with a favorite toy
-climbing a tree
-camping in the woods
-playing with nature
I would love to see any pictures you take from this list. You can tag me on instagram at @baileymakaimokuphoto or post them to facebook. Or now you have an excuse to get them printed for your summer chatbooks. I will update with another post once I’ve take mine. Can’t wait to see!