Gomez Family-In home Lifestyle Session- Bend Oregon Newborn Photographer

I am lucky enough to know the Gomez family and was thrilled not only to hear that Whitney was expecting after a long wait for this last baby and that she wanted me to document their first few days with that newborn bliss before it was gone. I know the sleep deprivation and your body recovering from a tough pregnancy or delivery can be hard parts about the new newborn life, but something about a newborn just puts everything back into perspective. Your world can freeze in time for a bit because you're literally watching this tiny human grow and make progress with only hours or days to their life. It's truly incredible and the closest I have felt to heaven at times.

siblings holding newborn brother on the bed
siblings trying to settle a fussy baby
teenage siblings holding little newborn brother
mom getting baby ready for a nap
newborn swaddled on the bed sucking on binkie
in home lifestyle session with mom and dad holding baby

These siblings were wonderful with their little brother and I'm sure are super helpful to mom and dad with this new baby. I always suggest when you are doing an in home newborn session to just pick 1-2 room sin the house that you want pictures in. Hopefully these have good natural light in them. This can be a specific bedroom, the main living space, or the nursery. Especially if you have had a difficult delivery and recovery, we don't want to put extra strain on your body to be going all over the house for different pictures. For the Gomez family we did them in the master bedroom. This room has a great big window that brought in natural light and Whitney who literally had a broken tailbone, but look at how beautiful and comfortable she looks in these, was able to just sit on the bed or only have to move a few steps for other shots.

new mom holding newborn in her lap
dad holding newborn against his chest
new parents holding baby in their arms
family of six poses during a newborn session
newborn yawns

If you want to have any breastfeeding type pictures during the session, be sure to have baby hungry just before, or if you don't want that then be sure to feed them ahead of time. Babies are unpredictable and fed, swaddled up and having white noise or a binkie nearby can make all the difference. I love how newborn pictures can take you back to a fleeting season of your life. And having the pictures and proof of their tininess and those newborn features that change so quickly.

siblings ideas for newborn session
mom soothing her baby
newborn laying on bed in a blanket
teenage sisters snuggling their new baby brother
older brother holding newborn

If you are expecting and want your newborn stage captured in a more comfortable and lifestyle setting, I would love to chat!